The A2060P is provides a pulse rate display with its sixteen on-board LEDS. The A2060P is a Programmable Logic Head (A2060) with additional circuits that provide a 50-Ω BNC input, a threshold adjustment, and a comparator.
When programmed with firmware P2060P02, the A2060P provides two rows of red LEDs that each generate the same display function. The first LEDs in the two rows are LED8 and LED16, and these illuminate fully when the pulse rate on the J10 input (the 50-Ω BNC input) is 610 Hz. The next LEDs in each row illuminate fully at four times greater frequency, 2.4 kHz, and so on up to 10 MHz for the last LEDs in each row.
The A2060P is a LWDAQ device. It provides loop-back, but other than that it does not respond to LWDAQ commands.