

[21-NOV-23] The LWDAQ (Long-Wire Data Acquisition) program works with LWDAQ hardware to perform data acquisition, display, and analysis. Go to the downloads directory below for links to the latest and older versions of the program. To install the program, download the zip archive, decompress, and follow the software installation instructions for your operating system. MacOS users: see installation instructions to overcome translocation problems.

Download Installation zip archives for MacOS, Windows, Linux, and UNIX.
GitHub The GitHub repository that provides latest commits of LWDAQ software.
User Manual Guide to installation and use of LWDAQ hardware and software.
Command Reference A listing and description of all pre-declared commands.
Acquisifier Manual for software component that acquires from large systems.
Startup Manager Manual software component that starts up complex systems.
Technical Specification Hardware and electrical specification of physical components.
Sources Software source code, Pascal and TclTk.

Legacy Documents

Gnu Pascal Installing and running the GNU Pascal Compilers (Obsolete).
Mixing Manual Compile and link C, C++, Pascal, and Fortran into one executable (Obsolete).