EO Installation: Installation of the End-Cap Outer Muon Chambers (© Brandeis, 2008).
Big Wheel: The ATLAS End-Cap Muon Detector in the ATLAS Cavern (© Brandeis, 2007).
Building 40: Building 40 at CERN, HQ of ATLAS Collaboration (© Brandeis, 2007).
Building 180: Building 180 at CERN, Site of End-Cap Muon Detector Assembly (© Brandeis, 2006).
Building UA15: ATLAS Cavern with Detector Partially Installed (© Brandeis, 2006).
Crawling in ATLAS, Part I: Kevan Crawling Around in the ATLAS Dectector (© Brandeis, 2007).
Crawling in ATLAS, Part II: Christoph Crawling Around in the ATLAS Dectector (© Brandeis, 2007).
Crawling in ATLAS, Part III: An Ascent Ladder in the ATLAS Dectector (© Brandeis, 2007).
EO in Cavern: A View of the End-Cap Outer Layer Muon Chamers (© Brandeis, 2011).
Iris Scan: What It's Like to Get Through Security (© Brandeis, 2011).
USA15: The Service Room with the End-Cap Alignment Rack (© Brandeis, 2011).
Secret Door: The Small Door that Gives Access to the Depths of the ATLAS Detector (© Brandeis, 2011).
Deep Inside: A View from Deep Inside the ATLAS Detector (© Brandeis, 2011).
Trouble-Shooting: Christoph Looks For Something Blocking a Polar Alignment Line (© Brandeis, 2011).
EES Installed: View of a Newly-Installed EES Sector (© Brandeis, 2012).
ATLAS Detector: A Sweeping View of the ATLAS Detector (YouTube).
Descent into the Pit: Riding a Toroid Magnet into the ATLAS Cavern (YouTube).
EIL Movements: Measured movements of EIL end-cap layer in X and Y.
EML Movements: Measured movements of EML end-cap layer in Z.
nSWA_Final_Adjustments: Final adjustments to the New Small Wheel, A-Side, before transportation (© Brandeis, 2021).
nSWA_Transport_Stand: Moving the New Small Wheel, A-Side, to transportation stand (© Brandeis, 2021).