
Active Reports

Apparatus: Description of our radiation sources and dosimeters.
Tests: A log of our radiation experiments.
Dosimeter: Our image-sensor radiation dosimeters.

Talks and Papers

Neutron Damage of CCDs in ATLAS Endcap: RadSim Working Group Meeting (MAY-2019, CERN)
ATLAS NSW Alignment System Radiation Tolerance: How damage to image sensors and light sources limits the tolerance of nSW alignment (MAY-2016).
Data Acquisition for New Small Wheel Alignment: Site Visit by Brookhaven Managers, Including Radiation Tolerance (MAY-2015, Brandeis)
Alignment Electronics for the New Small Wheel: Production Readiness Review, Including Radiation Tolerance (MAR-2015, CERN)
Irradiation of nSW Upgrade Electronics By Fast Neutrons: Summary of 2014-2015 nSW Neutron Results (MAR-2015)
Neutron Irradiation of nSW Components, Part 2: 2nd Irradiation of ICX424 image sensor and LuxeonZ LEDs (DEC-2014)
Neutron Irradiation of nSW Components, Part 1: Irradiation of ICX424 image sensor and LuxeonZ LEDs (AUG-2014)
Alignment Electronics for the New Small Wheel: Presentation at New Small Wheel Workshop, Including Radiation Tolerance (JUN-2014, Weizmann)
Radiation Detection with Alignment Sensors: Radiation monitoring with TC255P image sensor (NOV-09)
Alignment for High Luminosity: Development for ATLAS upgrade (AUG-2009)
Radiation Tolerance of End-Cap Alignment Electronics: Summary of tests (JAN-03).
Effect of Ionizing Radiation on TC255P: Ionizing test of TC255P image sensor (JAN-01).
How Much Meat for Dinner: Critique of ATLAS radiation tolerance criteria (JUN-01).
Irradiation of the TC255P CCD by Fast Neutrons, Part 2: Neutron test of TC255P image sensor (JUL-99)
Irradiation of the TC255P CCD by Fast Neutrons, Part 1: Neutron test of TC255P image sensor (SEP-98)