BCAM Home Page

Prospectus: A one-page introduction to the BCAM.
User Manual: How the BCAM works, and operating instructions.
Development Logbook: Chronological record of BCAM work, starting SEP-20.
ATLAS: Application of BCAMs in ATLAS.
Analysis Code: Image analysis code.
Original Performance Report: Operation and performance of early BCAM cameras.
Original Camera Calibration: Calibration of early BCAM cameras using a roll-cage.
Calibration Manual: How to calibrate BCAMs with a roll-cage.
Calibration on Granite Beam: How to calibrate cameras and sources on a granite beam.
Source Plates: Calibration and application of source plates, which are BCAMs without cameras.
Assembly Manual (Azimuthal and Polar): Assembly instructions.
Assembly Manual (N): Assembly instructions.
Laser Assembly Manual (N): Assembly and calibration instructions for the lasers of N-BCAMs.
Light Sources: A survey of available light sources.
Repair Manual: Guide to repairing broken BCAMs.
Center of Gravity: Drawing showing center of gravity of BCAM bases.
Radiation Tolerance: Effect of radiation upon BCAM measurements.
Calibration Database: text file containing calibration measurements for all existing BCAMs.
Apparatus Database: text file containing measurements of all roll-cage calibration stands.
BCAM Parameters Full: text file containing full history of BCAM calibration constants.
BCAM Parameters: text file containing only the latest BCAM calibration constants.
Black Azimuthal BCAM
Assembled: Three-dimensional view (JPG)
Chassis: Drawing of chassis (PDF)
Cover: Drawing of cover (GIF)
Chassis: Drawing of chassis (Autocad)
Cover: Drawing of Cover (Autocad)
Electronics: Manual for A2048 Circuit.
Blue Azimuthal BCAM
Assembled: Three-dimensional view (JPG)
Chassis: Drawing of chassis (PDF)
Cover: Drawing of cover (GIF)
Chassis: Drawing of chassis (Autocad)
Cover: Drawing of Cover (Autocad)
Electronics: Manual for A2048 Circuit.
Black Polar BCAM
Assembled: Three-dimensional view (JPG)
Chassis: Drawing of chassis (PDF)
Cover: Drawing of cover (GIF)
Chassis: Drawing of chassis (Autocad)
Cover: Drawing of Cover (Autocad)
Electronics: Manual for A2051 Circuit.
Blue Polar BCAM
Assembled: Three-dimensional view (JPG)
Chassis: Drawing of chassis (PDF)
Cover: Drawing of cover (GIF)
Chassis: Drawing of chassis (Autocad)
Cover: Drawing of Cover (Autocad)
Electronics: Manual for A2051 Circuit.
Black H BCAM
H-BCAMs: H-BCAM Home Page.
H-BCAMs: H-BCAM Home Page.
Black N BCAM
Assembled: Three-dimensional view (JPG)
Assembly: Assembly drawing (PDF)
Chassis: Drawing of base (PDF)
Cover: Drawing of cover (PDF)
Front: Drawing of front plate (PDF)
Model: Solid model of chassis (STEP)
Electronics: Manual for A2083 Circuit.
Assembled: Three-dimensional view (JPG)
Assembly: Assembly drawing (PDF)
Chassis: Drawing of base (PDF)
Cover: Drawing of cover (PDF)
Front: Drawing of front plate (PDF)
Model: Solid model of chassis (STEP)
Electronics: Manual for A2083 Circuit.
Black D BCAM
Assembly: Assembly drawing (PDF)
Model: Solid model (STEP)
Chassis Base: Drawing of base (PDF)
Chassis Cover: Model of cover (STEP)
Front Wall: Drawing of front wall (PDF)
Rear Wall: Drawing of rear wall (PDF)
Sensor Frame: Drawing of sensor holder (PDF)
Electronics: Manual for A2086 Circuit.
Assembly: Assembly drawing (PDF)
Model: Solid model (STEP)
Chassis Base: Drawing of base (PDF)
Chassis Cover: Model of cover (STEP)
Front Wall: Drawing of front wall (PDF)
Rear Wall: Drawing of rear wall (PDF)
Sensor Frame: Drawing of sensor holder (PDF)
Electronics: Manual for A2086 Circuit.
Lens Holder: Drawing of brass lens holder (PDF)
Kinematic Mount: Mounting plate for calibration on granite table (PDF)
Mount Protector: Plastic cover piece to protect mounting balls (PDF)
Roll Cage: View of calibration roll cage on its base (JPG)
Source Block: View of calibration source block (GIF)
Cage and Block: View of roll cage and source block (GIF)
Cage Front: Drawing of front piece of roll cage (JPG)
Cage Back: Drawing of back piece of roll cage (JPG)
Cage Center: Drawing of center piece of roll cage (JPG)
Base Plate: Drawing of roll cage base (JPG)
Adaptor Plate: Raises pivot point by 22.2 mm (PDF)