[07-JUL-16] The "original" ATLAS serial numbers are those we used on our Phase 1 end-cap alignment components. The long serial number has format 20MABNDpyyyyyy, the medium serial number has format pyyyyyy, and the short serial number has format pyyyy. Here, p is a letter giving the device type, and yyyyyy or yyyy is the serial number. The table below gives the device type associated with each letter, and the range of serial numbers available.
p | Device | Label | Range |
A | Black Azimuthal BCAM | Long | 001-350 |
B | Blue Azimuthal BCAM | Long | 001-350 |
C | Black Proximity Bar Mask | Short | 001-700 |
D | Blue Proximity Bar Mask | Short | 001-700 |
E | Alignment Multiplexer Box | Long | 001-900 |
F | Temperature Sensor Box | Long | 001-100 |
F | Five-Way Injector | Long | 101-120 |
F | Fourteen-Way Injector | Long | 121-170 |
G | Proximity Camera (detail) | Long | 0001-1600 |
H | Test beam devices | Various | |
J | Right-Handed Source Plates | Stamped on Metal | |
K | Left-Handed Source Plates | Stamped on Metal | |
L | Black Polar BCAM | Long | 001-200 |
M | Blue Polar BCAM | Long | 001-200 |
N | Patch Panel | Long | 001-200 |
P | Blue EI On-Chamber Mask | Short | 101-125 |
Q | Black EI On-Chamber Mask | Short | 101-125 |
R | Blue EM/EO On-Chamber Mask | Short | 101-225 |
S | Black EM/EO On-Chamber Mask | Short | 101-225 |
T | A-Side EI Saloon Door Sources | Short | 101-150 |
U | C-Side EI Saloon Door Sources | Short | 101-150 |
V | A-Side EO/EM Saloon Door Sources | Short | 101-300 |
V | A-Side EE Saloon Door Sources (detail) | Short | 301-400 |
W | C-Side EO/EM Saloon Door Sources | Short | 101-300 |
W | C-Side EE Saloon Door Sources (detail) | Short | 301-400 |
X | LWDAQ Drivers | Short | 1001-1999 |
X | TGC Sources | Short | 2001-2999 |
Y | CSC Sources | Medium | 001000-001999 |
Y | CSC Camera LB Near | Medium | 011000-011999 |
Y | CSC Camera LB Far | Medium | 021000-021999 |
Y | CSC Camera LS | Medium | 031000-031999 |
Y | CSC Camera SL | Medium | 041000-041999 |
Z | Blue Fiber Source Plate | Long | 001-020 |
Z | Black Fiber Source Plate | Long | 021-040 |
When we have a spreadsheet giving a more detailed breakdown of serial numbers with device version, we provide a link to the spreadsheet in the device description. All our metallized serial number labels contain a bar code in 128-C format as well as the serial number in alphanumeric characters.
[07-JUL-16] The "New Small Wheel" serial numbers are those we will use on our Phase 2 end-cap alignment components. The serial number has format 20MNABNDpyyyyy. Here, p is a letter giving the device type, and yyyyy is the serial number.
The table below gives the device type associated with each letter, and the range of serial numbers available.
p | Device | Label | Range |
A | Black N-BCAM | Long | 00001-00599 |
B | Blue N-BCAM | Long | 00001-00599 |
C | Short nSW Alignment Bars | Long | 00001-00020 |
D | Long nSW Alignment Bars | Long | 00001-00020 |
E | Black D-BCAM | Long | 00001-00050 |
F | Blue D-BCAM | Long | 00001-00050 |
M | Multiplexer | Long | 00001-00200 |
J | Light Injector | Long | 00001-00310 |
R | Repeater | Long | 00001-00051 |
S | Source Plate (30 mm wide) | Long | 00001-01999 |
S | Source Plate (60 mm wide) | Long | 02001-02899 |
S | Source Plate (BIS7/8) | Long | 02900-02999 |
S | Source Plate (60 mm wide) | Long | 03000-04999 |
X | Driver Components | Long | 00001-00100 |
We will use the X letter for the LWDAQ Driver with Ethernet Interface (A2071E), the TCPIP-VME Interface, and the LWDAQ Driver with VME Interface.